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This tab has my stories, including many others along with it.

Trancendence - Book One


Chapter 1: The Beginning


It was late at night when my mother was running away from guards due to her being a vampire. She had no choice but to lose the crowd and leave me to lay in the grass. I laid there just a helpless little fur, about 1-year-old at the time. I was born a vampire and my hair was starting to grow out. I have cyan hair along with pretty much everything else besides my fur with black stripes. I can still remember her saying "I promise I will find you again..." I couldn't tell that she was heartbroken at the time cause I knew so little. My dad was killed off by the mob so my mom decided to run and they chased after her. She fled once the sound of pattering paws and other loud noises filled the air. I had no idea what was going on but after I saw the mob run away, I saw something I could never forget for some reason. It was a scaly tail.

I lied in the woods until the morning and woke up due to deer flying over me and a hunter running after them and stopped before me. "Damn it!" He said as the herd ran away. I was starting to cry as he turned his back toward me. He spun around and drew his bow at the sudden noise. He looked around and looked at me. He came to me and held me up. He looked me over then called out in the middle of the forest. "Hello?" He said as loud as he could. He looked at me with a confused look on his face. "Hmm... What's a little one like you doing out here alone?" He asked me. I did nothing but gave a happy fox yip and grabbed his nose. He looked confused at first and then he smiled. "I'm going to keep you." He said. "Your name will be Kiara-" He paused and looked at my tag that had the word Markendaya on it. "Kiara Markendaya." He said. I giggled as he tickled me and brought me home to his shed in the woods


Chapter 2: A New Beginning


21 years ago today I was taken home by my caretaker named Flare. He was a kind understanding soul. I was grateful he found me that day. He taught me everything. How to use a longbow, a dagger, and other useful things. He taught me how to make food out of a deer, and so much else. I went to the house after dragging back some deer when he tells me he has news for me. "What is it?" I asked him.

"I want you to make an attempt to live on your own," Flare said.
"What do you mean?"
"I want you to go out on your own."
I haven't been alone unless it was hunting, but this was new.
"So you want me to leave?" 
"You are welcome to come back, but first..." He grabs a box and opens it. My tag that has my last name on it was in my box. "Here." He said. 

I examined the object closely holding the tag with two fingers. "Did you make this?" I ask. 

"No. I found it on you when I found you." Flare responds. I hold the necklace closer, examining it. the front had a star on it and the back of it shows the word Markendaya. I undo the fasten and put it on me. It was small enough for me to wear and looks like a collar. I liked it. I packed up my things and gave him a hug. "I'll come back after my adventure," I tell him. I leave and walk through town. People stare and whisper. I head to the smithery and order a sword and a bow. "Going hunting, I presume?" he responds. 

"No actually," I respond

"Bounty hunting?"

"No, I wish, but no. I just need protection for gods know whats out there"

He laughs and finds the idem's I need. I pay him and walk away and he wishes me good luck. I walk into the woods. The amber leaves fall as I walk through the woods, my armor making little noise as I walk through the orange covered trees. Some wildlife roams nearby and feeds on the local vegetation. The cobblestone road feels cool on her pads. She walks down the cobblestone road and watches the leaves fall past her face. The sun, setting, was glaring through the trees adding on to the beautifully natural glow of the forest. There was a noise unfamiliar to this part of the woods that pricked Kiara's ears up. It sounded like a male groan, seemingly weak. She looked around to find out where the sound was coming from. Kiara looked ahead of the cobblestone road and saw a guy laying on the ground. She ran up toward him. He was stronger than she was. He looked also incredibly similar to her. Most body patterns were the same. 


I knelt next to him. "Hey, hey, you ok?"  

"Y- Yea... I'm fine just a little wounded" he responds

"Need any help?" Kiara asks him.

"Not really, I have to find my parents." A spark flew in Kiara's mind.

"Is he a dragon?" She asked

He fell silent and looked over at me. He was curious about why I said that "How did you know?" he responded. 

"Mine's also a dragon. Well, I assumed because my wings are those of a dragon" I expanded my wings and showed him

He looked at me like I stabbed him. "We should find him together."


Chapter 3: Missing Piece


We continue to walk down the cobblestone road and we converse about the topic of his father. His father's name is Raitnulan. He was raised with him and his father, but later guards came to his doorstep after the birth of his sister. He was in the house helping his father once the guards attacked. He made it out alive but he didn't know so much about his father and mother until he saw his mother running in the opposite direction carrying the sister. He said he has been searching all over for his mother and found his father's tracks with blood tracing out of the house. He feared the worse and tried to find him, but was beaten down by guards cause they were hunting not just him, but the whole family. He believes I am the sister but is curious about my mother's location. I told him I didn't even know my mother or father. We later then hear yelling from behind. I look behind us, and there was nothing there, but I knew we weren't alone. Later the shouts grew louder and sounded like commands such as "Come on!" and "This way!" 

"Guards, run!' Cleabu said. He ran and I was on his heels making sure I was close enough to him. I look behind and they weren't guards. They dressed in dark red cloaks and grey armor pieces over the cloaks. "There he is!" said a better-dressed guard. I assumed it was the ringleader. "Come on!" Cleabu yelled. I realized I was way farther behind than I thought I was. I didn't continue running. I didn't know why I stopped. Later, they surround me and the better-dressed guard comes in the center where I stand, surrounded by the tips of crossbows. He pins me to the ground and looks dead into my eyes with a blade to my throat. "Hello, poppet." His accent was deep. I look around for him, but he is nowhere to be found. He pulled me up, blade still to my throat. "I know you're here, and we have your little vixen. If you want her back, just show yourself," he said. "or your vixen will be on the ground." I didn't know if that was a death threat or a rape threat. I wasn't willing to find out. I look down and notice my collar's tag is right on the blade. Then it hit me, I could escape. However, I might risk getting impaled by a bolt. I started to talk. "What do you want with him?" I notice a slight harshness in my voice. He turns me around and he leaves the blade to my throat. 


His look was more astonishing than I thought. I was expecting a bunch of scars and such, but he wasn't that bad. The eyes, however, were fierce and felt like they pierced into my soul. "I want him because he knows something that no one else needs to find out," he replied. "I presume you know he is a vampire, correct?" I thought about it, then I realized I am one and panicked a little. He had large fangs for a fox. However, so did I. He suddenly noticed the panic in my eyes. "Oh, you didn't know. I bet your scared of-" he cuts off and looks at mine. "Well, well, well... we have his fledging." I hit his sword away and brandish mine towards him. "I am anything but a fledgling," I reply. "You can count on that." He looks at me like I was stupid. "It's like you wanna die," he replied. "Your head will make a great trophy. Lower your weapons!" he commands his soldiers. All of them look surprised as they do, while I hide my surprise. He picks up his blade and touches it against mine and I realize mines glowing red in between some of the slits. "You don't wanna go against me." he challenges. I was done with talking. I took the slash to hit his blade and we start to fight. I slash at him and he dodges it as if he knew I was going to hit there. He hits me with the hilt making me stammer a little bit. I continue to keep going at him but I'm starting to lose. He hits me making me fall to the ground on my back. He stabs the ground next to me after I roll away then he takes his blade and is about to bring it down on me when another blade crosses with his. I lay on the ground watching a tiger in almost black everything start going after him with a longer-than-normal sword. The tiger kicks the sword out of his hand and points the blade at his throat. "Checkmate." he intimidates the soldier. The soldier looks at me with rage. "Next time, you won't be so lucky, poppet." He takes his blade and runs off, his men following him. He picks me up. "You alright?" he asks. I have a couple of slashes on me and some bruises. "Yea, I'm fine." 


I examine him and notice his fangs and he has the same glow in the eyes as Cleabu has. Cleabu runs up, blade at hand. "Did you get him?" he asks me. "I did." the tiger replies. Cleabu looks at him. "Where did he come from?" Cleabu asks. "I don't know," I replied. "but he saved my life."


Chapter 4: Savior


I'm still contemplating on how and why he saved me. I didn't do anything for him. He just saved me out of nowhere. We're all walking down the path and Cleabu and he is just talking and I'm just hearing what they're doing, or in this case, talking about whatever the guards were. I overheard that those guards weren't guards at all, in fact, they were vampire hunters. Made sense of why they were finding me but what did they want with Cleabu? They knew about him. There were hundreds of questions being asked in my head that I didn't know how to comprehend some of them. I was curious about where everyone was and what it would be like when I met them. Cleabu had to be my brother. He acted like I did in many ways and he had similar body patterns that I did. The only thing that was different was that his crest, which is located on his bicep, had one more slash mark than mine. That's the thing that caught me off guard. Then something caught me off guard. They were looking at me as if they asked me something. "What?" I said. "Don't you remember that?" Cleabu asked me. 

"Sorry, I wasn't listening," I replied.

"I said that our mother and father could be closer than you think," Cleabu said. 

"How do you think so?" I ask the words peeking my interests.

"Your father, or in this case, our father is actually closer than we might have thought. He could be anywhere nearby. By the way, i forgot to ask, what is your name?" Cleabu asks the tiger. 

"Ketnok," he replies. "Ketnok Clabres" 

"Nice name, I haven't heard a name like that in a while," I reply.

"Lots of people say that, but we should focus on finding your father." Ketnok said.


Chapter 5: Search for a Lost One


We continue to walk down the cobblestone path a couple of miles and decide to set up camp. I unload my bedroll and sit on it sketching a picture of what they could look like. I look down at the blank sheet and tap my pen trying to figure out what they might look like. Ketnok and Cleabu are still setting up a fire while I look at the moon with the same scene of my mother saying "I will never forget you." playing repetitively in my head. It bugged me by the way of her tone sounding so soft and sad almost made me want to cry.  I listened to the fire crackle as I tried to make out the face of her. Then I realized I saw something when she left. 

It was someone's tail. 

I started to draw the image in my head and realized that the guy I fought before had the same pattern tail. If something were to happen to my mother, it would have happened to my father as well. I am almost certain it was something to do with him. However, I wanted to let Cleabu and Ketnok sleep. I kept watching, looking at the moonlight lighting up the forest below me as I sit near the ledge, staring in a wonder of where in this god-forsaken world they can be. I'd figure I would make sure no bandits would come out of nowhere. I take a deep breath and relax, watching my breath float away in the breeze. "I will find you guys," I say to myself quietly as if like a prayer. "and I won't stop until I know you're safe." I lay my head down to rest when I hear something. I turn around to look at Cleabu and Ketnok and the noise was just the crackle of the fire. I look at the moon one last time and lay my head down and close my eyes. 


Chapter 6: Strange Dreams


I sat at a dinner table in an unknown room with a plate of food in front of me. I look around and make my surroundings familiar and poke the food. This seemed so real. I look at myself in the mirror across the room and look at myself. I'm wearing an all black corset dress, my hair all to one side hanging to just about above my hips, neatly brushed with a black flower in it. I look at the necklace and It's my name tag. I'm also wearing a necklace that glows bright blue, the color of my eyes, hair, and tail. I examine the glowing pendant as if it were a relic. I take it off and look at it when it no longer grows. Was this like some sort of magic necklace? I was curious where it came from. I hear a door open and a dragon with light and dark blue scales wearing a suit and carrying a staff. He was much taller than me by five feet. He tells me to sit and I sit in the chair across from him. He had a conversation with me about where I have been and what I have done so far in my life. He was getting to know me. Was this my father? I look at him with surprise and then I felt like I was being shaken. I started to hold on to my chair and he stared at me blankly. Next, I started to hear my name. I saw a bright light and it was the sunlight. I haven't sat up so fast in my life. I looked around and Cleabu and Ketnok were staring at me. "Are you ok?" Ketnok asks me. I honestly didn't know if I was ok. I looked at myself and I was still wearing my armor. "Where's my sketch pad?" I ask suddenly out of breath. Cleabu hands me my sketch pad. "What's going on?" he asks me after handing me it.

"Hold on..." I say drawing what I saw in the mirror. Cleabu and Ketnok were staring at the page I was drawing. I finished it then drew the dragon. 


"Whos that?" Ketnok asks. 

"I don't know... I saw him in my dream." I reply

"He looks familiar..." Cleabu says. I remember seeing a castle with flags and I look off to the horizon and stare at the castle. The only castle that is nearby for miles. I have been there once or twice when I went hunting and saw candlelight in every room every night. It was the only castle I heard a roar of a dragon in so I'm assuming that is where he might be. "We need to go there." I pointed at the castle. We pack up camp and I was the first to pack up and put the satchel on. I wasn't going to give up. I will make for damn sure I don't


Chapter 7: No Stork Needed


We walk down the woods to the area and I lead taking my sword which starts to glow light blue more than red. I hack away at some of the brush blocking the way while they follow me. I keep hacking where I hear a faint roar. It seems to be coming from the mountains. I look at them and they look at me strangely. "I hope your right..." Ketnok says and I continue to hack away.  We arrive at the front of the castle and we split up 3 ways. I wander around looking for stuff and find the room I dreamed about. I froze and stared. I made sure it was real and not the dream by blinking rapidly. I ran through the castle trying to find Ketnok or Cleabu. I ran through the multitude of halls and corridors and I run into someone and rub my eyes. "Oh, sorry. You alright?" 

"Yea I'm fi-" I cut off. It wasn't Cleabu or Ketnok. I looked up at him with a disturbed and frightened face. It was him. This is my dream. I pinched myself unnoticeably to see if I was dreaming. I wasn't. "You ok?" he repeats himself. I couldn't make out any words for the death of me. "Y- Yea... I'm fine," I replied. 

"You look like you haven't eaten in days. Would you like some food? I'm assuming that is probably what you're roaming around here for." he asks

"Sure. Also, do you maybe have a change of clothes I could borrow?" I ask, trying to prove if my dream was real. 

"I do, in fact, it is in here." He opens a closet in the hallway and pulls out the exact stuff I wore in the dream. "If you need to freshen up, the items you might need are in the restroom down the hall. I will be in there shortly."


Chapter 8: Stranger Things


I got dressed in the clothes and brushed my hair to make myself more presentable than just my wavy hair hanging all over the place. I put the flower in my hair and make the final touches and walk into the dining room. It was just like the dream I had. Everything laid out perfectly, chandelier hanging above the table that took up most of the room. I looked into the mirror and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I honestly forgot this was really me. I looked around and waited to see if he would come in right about now or not. After standing there for a couple of minutes, I sit down and look at the food. It looked like it was barely cooked. I wasn't complaining because I liked the smell of blood. I waited around and he finally came in. "Sorry, I found some others in here, I assumed they were with you," he said. 

"Yea they are," I replied. "They don't mean to cause any harm." Even though it has been usually less than a few weeks than I knew them, they wouldn't do something as odd as attack some dude unless he attacked first. Common sense. 

"Well, may I ask what is your name?" he asks me.

"Kiara," I said, leaving it at just that. Just in case.

"Haven't heard that name in a while... Does your last name happen to be Markendaya by any chance?" he asks with a slightly surprised face. I look down at my name tag that says "K. Markendaya" on the back. I knew my father, the only biological father I have is sitting right across from me. I nod in agreement. His reaction was not as fearsome as I saw originally and I couldn't help but tear up. I had so many questions I wanted to ask. I had so many things I wanted to say. He knew however what I wanted to say. 

"Kiara, I'm sorry for what had happened. I am sure you have probably heard what happened when you were a kid. I and your mom both loved you and your brother. I already got well acquainted with Cleabu don't worry," he said with a slight giggle. I giggled a little too. "but what I am trying to say is that I and your mother had perfect lives and when they came in, I did anything in my power to keep all of you safe. When I lost you three I was devastated" I couldn't help the tears that streamed down my face. The thing that made me cry even more when he offered me a hug. I went straight to him crying and hugged him tightly. After a long and emotional moment, we walk down the corridor to meet my friend and my brother.


Chapter 9: The Hunt Begins


After a long and emotional time with my father, brother, and me, we start to head down the road to my mother. In hope of finding anything for clues on my mother. If she is alive or dead is the question I am most worried about. I would hope she is still alive. I don't even know how I would react. Would I be mad at who killed her? Would I be depressed for the rest of my life? I have no idea. We looked all over the castle for anything regarding my mother. My dad had a picture of her. She looked pretty for a white fox. and now I know where the blue hair comes from. I have no idea where she could be. I examined the painting closely. I saw a couple things written on the back and read it.

Kefrah Markendaya

5th Day in June 1298.

This was a couple years before I was born. That means this was made when Cleabu was alive. I doubt he would remember it. He is already in his upper 80's (which is not long for us) I showed him the picture inscriptions. "I have been there before, but I was your age the last time I was there," Cleabu told me. 

"Where would it be though?" I said, everyone, looking now. 

"That is a steampunk ruin. I have only seen one like that before." Ketnok said.

"Where would said ruin be?" Raitnualn says.

"I believe just south of here possibly. However last time I was there, it was guarded. I didn't bother going near there on the count of my life." Ketnok replied.

"Well," I said placing the painting on the wall. "I think we have a heading."


Chapter 10: Castle Di'or


We set off after everyone was prepared to do some fighting, just in case. Gods know what my mother might have planned for protection. It was a couple hours into the night. We vampires can see easily in the night, but I wasn't sure if Ketnok could. He was actually keeping up and not falling behind at all. I assumed he could see cause his pupils were huge. We heard some voices and looked in the direction and it was the guards patrolling. We hid and waited for them to pass. "Well, she has been weird lately," I overheard the guards talking. "She said she knows her family is somewhere and she has been sneaking out with a couple of guards to find them." Were we being searched for? Well, at least I can have a clear conscience knowing that she at least was looking for me and Cleabu. "Really? She never left before like that. Especially early in the morning." Suddenly I heard a stick crack behind me. I looked and my dad moved too close to the sticks. He stared down the guards holding on to his sword. "Huh?" I saw both of them looking at our general area. No one moved. I prepared my sword and whip. I have never felt death be so close to me before. I liked the feeling. One carried a crossbow and the other carried a longsword. Judging on what weapons we had, it didnt seem like our fight would be fair. I decided to sneak further ahead. "What are you doing?" I heard Cleabu whisper loudly. The guards both looked at me. "What are you doing here?" one asked. I stood up and looked at them, weapons sheathed. 

"I'm here," i said confidently "for my mother." the guards looked at eachother in confusion then back at me.

"What is your mother's name?" the swordsman asked. I remembered the painting and the name inscribed on it.

"Kefrah Markendaya," I replied, "I and my family are here." I gestured to the bush they were hiding. The surprise on their face made them sheath their weapons. 

"You need to come with us. All of you." the marksman said.




We made it to the castle gates following behind the guards. One unlocked the gate and lead us in. We walked down a grand hall with the throne room down on the end. I looked around. There was a banner on the wall that said "Castle Di'or, Castle of Vampires" I looked at it and had a flashback. I was here before. Must've been where I got turned into a vampire. I looked around at all the things that decorated the halls. Metal pots lined the walls with metal flowers inside them. I thought they were the coolest thing I have seen. Everyone else looked around with wonder except my father. He looked at all the doors and listened carefully as if he was looking for his wife.  Made sense. They haven't seen each other ever since the attack that happened when I was a kid. Then she came out from behind the side door next to the throne. All of us looked at her. She was looking at me She didn't notice anyone else. I looked back at her. The guards separated, both smiling. She walked toward me and I was the only one walking to her. I had all the normal questions I wanted to ask. The same ones I wanted to ask my dad. Once she placed her hand on my face, I couldn't help the tears. Apparently, I wasn't the only one for she started to cry too. Once Cleabu and Raitnualn showed up next to me and her. We all started to cry and hugged each other. I looked over at Ketnok, who was smiling and holding my hand out to him. He put his hand in mine and I pulled him into the hug. Yes, it was a very emotional time. But now my family was together. I figured why not have him join the family. After all, he saved my life.

The Markendaya family was now finally rejoined, and with a new family member. We all stayed hunkered down in Castle Di'or and made a life with an actual family. I even got to have Flare come in and join alongside the family. Now my life is back to the way I had it as a babe. I am Kiara Markendaya and this is a story about me surviving through a transcendence of struggle. 


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Desolation - Book Two


Chapter 1: Intro


It was a clear sunny day in Brooksville. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, but this is not how everything is played out. We worked hard to get to here.  It was the sunniest it has been ever since before the fallout. This story is about survival. Perseverance. Struggle. Finding out how to make it out alive. It may end how you were expecting. Happy and all cheery and shit, but this is how the world is really played out. We still have survival on our hands. And we will stop at nothing until it goes right and we live another day. 

However, the good part is, we won't have to pay for anything!

This is a story of how I survived the fallout and kept my family in the process.


Chapter 2: Hell Broke Loose


As I said before, typical sunny day and all cheery and everything and yadda yadda yadda. I laid in my backyard enjoying the sun's rays beating on my skin. How can a vampire do this, you ask? Well, I'm not your typical vampire. That theory that vampires burn up in sunlight and come out only at night? Yea, our family's genetics blew that shit out the window. I can literally stand in full sunlight and burn but not like bursting into flames or that sort of shit. I get a sunburn just like everyone else. I hunt 24 hours for prey if need be, but id rather not get arrested. As I lay on the ground I suddenly feel uneasy. Something was going on around me that I did not know about. The breeze got stronger and stronger. I sat up and looked around me. Nothing in sight. Then the sirens go off. I was stunned for a second and ran into the house. "We need to get into the basement, NOW!"  Everyone got up and started going downstairs and when I started to go down, everything turned red outside and the rumbling grew louder. I ran down shutting the door and took cover. There was constant rumbling, things falling off the shelves, and then the lights knocked out. The last thing I heard was things breaking. and everything went silent.

I thought it was the death of me once the rumbling stopped. All I felt was cold metal pinning me down. Once my eyes adjusted to the light I started to make an attempt to move the loose beam. However, getting out wasn't the thing I was worried about. I was worried about everyone else. I hit the beam with all my might to get it loose. Once it finally broke loose from a couple of hits, I tried lifting it. It slipped and fell on my hips. I groaned, realizing that it was wet with something. I looked at my hand and it was darker than usual. It was red. I grabbed on another side to get it off and succeeded. I looked around the rubble to find a hint of someone. I didn't find anyone. I automatically assumed the worst and started digging. I still found no one. I decided to accept the fact that the life I had was now gone. I have lost everything within seconds. After moments of emotional trauma, I realized I need to go on. Survive. Thrive and continue my family name. I dressed my wounds and started to dig my way out.

I will never give up.


Chapter 3: Remembrance


I finally got past the broken glass, wood, and metal and got above ground. Everything you would see in a fallout was basically what I saw. Everything grey, trees on the ground or completely gone. The strongest trees weakened. Every house leveled except the newer ones which were partially damaged. I decided to take a couple pieces of wood and making items in remembrance of my family's lives. I made one for my brother, Cleabu, My father, Raitnualn, and one for my mother, Kefrah. I looked at them and made my amends. Once I got myself together again, it was time to survive. I looked around the rubble for my stuff and found my combat knife Cleabu gave me and my semi-automatic. Surprised it didn't get broken. Either of them. I examined them and my semi got some scratches and my knife was just hot still from the heat of the explosion. I clipped my knife to the side of my belt and checked my ammo. I knew forgetting to unload it would eventually get somewhere. However, that is the only ammo I got. I have to find more. I walked through the area to see how many others survived. Now it is life and death, so I have to survive no matter who I see. I started to head toward the city in search of supplies that may have remained. If nothing else, I will raid what I need to. I slung the gun on my back and walked down the cracked and the broken road towards the city taking one last glance of where my house once stood tall and proud, and where my family spent their last moments and now rest in peace. I salute towards the tombstones I have made and walk down the road in silence.


Chapter 4: Long Live The Queen


If I had any knowledge of what things might have come out after a fallout, I would know that there would be more than just other furries out and about. There would probably be mutants running rapid and killing everything it sees. I carried my gun walking through the city and remembered a time when I and Cleabu would be playing Call of Duty. He loved that game. We would always both go after each other and see who really was better than the other. He would get me some of the times but I grew better and kicked his ass all the time. Now, I'm sitting like I'm in the game itself, only Cleabu is not playing anymore. I stopped by every store there was. I threw shelves that fell and looked around. I found a couple of canned foods that survived and put them in my duffel bag I always used to use for school. I went to the hunting department which had almost everything knocked over. I looked through and found some ammo and looked around. I noticed that 2 others had the same idea as I did. I hid to make sure I wasn't going to be just a target.

"You think we'll find anyone here?" one of the guys said.

"Probably not, most of the people are stupid enough to not stop here" Most of them got killed, dumbass. I wanted to say so bad.

"Well, if you find anyone here, don't kill them."

"Got it." It sounded like the voice of a female as they got closer. I wasn't going to find out.

They started to roam the store and I had to get out because I do not want to find out why they don't want them dead. I looked around for something bulletproof staying undercover still. I found something and took it off the hook. I started to see the hook fall and tried to catch it. It hit the floor and I froze. "Who's there?" I heard as if he was right there. I hid by the end cap as he looked down the aisle. "Hmm..." I heard him say, picking up the coat hanger. "Someone is here..." he said and started walking toward my side of the aisle. I held my knife tightly in my left hand and clenched my right. His face was serious when he looked around. Right before he looked at my direction I slipped into the next aisle. "I know you're here," he said, "And I will find you." I saw his paws walk past my aisle and waited until he disappeared away into the aisles. I went to the dressing rooms and got the bulletproof stuff on and stepped out with my semi in my hands. I closed the door and the same guy showed up behind the door. He swung the butt of his gun. I dodged it and threw him to the ground and aimed my gun at his head. "What do you want with anyone," I asked him in a hushed tone. 

"Nothing besides providing help." He replied

"Yea, I bet swinging the butt of a gun at their head is totally providing help," I said aggressively.

"You wouldn't have come with me if I didn't knock you out." He replied. He kind of had a point.

"I don't trust anyone that would just randomly knock me out and bring me to god knows where." I reply.

"Do you want to survive or not?" He asks.

"I can do it on my own. I don't need assistance." 

"You sure? The chick that's with me is looking for someone to help." I thought about it before letting him up. 

"Where is she?"

"Hey! Over here!" He yells. Within seconds, not letting my guard down, she arrives. She had blond hair with a couple of brown patches on her fur. She was mostly white, like me. She looked curiously at me. I looked at her defensively. She didn't appeal to my hostility. "Don't worry, Rilva's harmless." The name sounded familiar to me. I looked at her. "Do I know you from somewhere?" I asked Rilva. 

"I do, but you probably don't" she replied


Chapter 5: Lost Souls


"Who are you again?" I asked her

"I'm Rilva," she replied. "You sure you don't remember me?"

"I'm sure," I reply

"Well, you guys can get better acquainted later, You look like you haven't gone outside in years. Your as pale as the snow." He siad

I wanted to say something, but i didn't. I couldn't reveal too much, i just met them. I agreed to go with them for a little while.I asked what his name was though. "Kelfir" he replied only glancing back at me. Then, i felt a sudden chill. I stop as they continue to walk a couple steps. "You alright?" Rilva asked. I look behind me and the chill felt stronger. Something, or someone was watching me. "No," i replied "Something, or someone, is here." Kelfir takes his gun out and I look around for what i can use. All I saw that I knew how to operate was a whip. I grabbed it and opened the package. Then, looking up after taking it out, I noticed it wasn't a someone, it was a something.


Definitely something I did not want to find staring at me, snarling. I stood still staring right at it. I never thought to move on my life. I held my whip ready to lash at it, if needed. "Kiara?" I hear behind me. "What the hell is that?!" It was Rilva. 

"Don't. Move. Closer" i warned her quietly. Now, it started walking low to me, now becoming more aggressive yet recessive at the same time. I bear a snarl at it hoping it would be warned off. I sense Rilva aiming at it. I quickly grab her gun and slowly bring it down. The hound stopped due to my swiftness, tilting its head now looking curious. "How?" Rilva says quietly and slowly. "Holy shit." She was looking dead at me in the eyes. Apparently i didn't notice my perefrials become red. "Your eyes are red like blood, and... slitted!" she says quietly surprised. I averted my gaze and stared at her for a second. The red started to recede and she practically fell backward. Looking down to my side, i see the hound staring right at me, sitting. It was halfway down the aisle when i saw it and within 2 seconds it was here. He stared at me with glee in his eyes. I looked at him curiously. "H- How is he like that now?" Rilva asked

"I don't know," i replied. "but now we have a guard dog."


Chapter 6: Freak Like Me


I come out of the store into the bright daylight. The city looking like everything you'd normally after an apocalypse. Everything destroyed, windows blown out, no electricity nearby. All of us roam around the city looking for anything useful like a surplus store anywhere that is not destroyed. As i look around, i look down the street and see plenty of dead bodies. They were recently killed, i should know i mean, i'm a vampire. My new pet starts sniffing around. I examine one of the bodies. "Died by a shot wound," i whisper to myself. My dog is looking at me curiously as i examine him. I take his throwing knifes and any blade that i happen to find. I have used those plenty of times with Cleabu. We would always fight until one of us falls or is severely injured. That is how we mastered a spell called Healing Hands. I can't feel any pain anymore because of him, and i thank him for that. I look down the street and it looked like it was a scene from The Purge. Mass murder all over the place. Definitely a place for a vampire. I could take as much blood as i wanted and there still would be more. I decided i wanted the thrill of the hunt. I followed the bodies to see where i would end up. Faintly in the distance i hear a gunshot. I figured the people trying to kill me originally got shot. I wasn't heartless, but i wanted to just be alone. I didn't mind the dog, though. He looked badass anyways. I heard a nearby gun shot as we got closer. I hid in one of the alleys, checking to make sure no one was in there first. I look down the street. It was them. They were murdering mass amounts of people? Well, this is where i go heartless. I climbed up a ladder to get on the roof. "Stay there and guard" i told my dog. He barked and stood there staring at the entrances. I looked down at them as they still fired away. I took out my gun and aimed at Rilva's head. I fired and got a dead on hit and ducked. Some shots shortly after spread around me, kicking up some concrete chunks, then it stopped and i got up and started firing at him. After a heated gun fight, i finally killed him. "Heartless assholes." I said, lowering my gun. I look on them and the guy had a note. I opened it and read it out loud quietly. 


"Make sure there is no one left in the city so we can take over. We will arrive to town shortly. Don't fail us or it will be your body laying around. Make sure the Markendaya family is cleaned out also, that is our priority. Those vampires deserve to die... Again.



First off, who the hell is E? Could that be why the town got nuked? Honestly i think it was just out of the recent conflict with every country with us. I look at my dog who is snarling looking behind me. Next second i get a blade pressed to my throat against the alley wall. He looked familiar, like i knew him before. He looked confused. "Kiara?" he said. I look to the side then back at him as he lower his blade from my throat. "Have we met?" i reply

"Yea," he replies. "We were friends in High School."

"Who are you again?"

"Kailelm" he replied. "and i see you got a pet now."

"Yea, I found him while that chick over there and this guy laying here found me. We were teammates until they started killing everyone."

"Ah, those were probably Bloodguard hunters."


"Bloodguards. They are savages to vampires. They kill every vampire known to exist here. However, they were not taking risks anymore for asking so they started going off on everyone. Surprised they didn't kill you."

"Speaking of which, they wanted my family specifically killed."

"How's that so?" He asks me. I hand him the note i found. He stopped, staring at the signature.

"We need to get out of town, now."


"You're being hunted by thousands of vampire hunters and if we don't leave, your life is further and further at risk."


Story is Continuous - Wattpad Story URL:


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